In search of song, by VanWyck

‘Lead Me On’ est la première chanson d’une série de plusieurs morceaux présentés cette année par l’artiste néerlandaise VanWyck…prenez juste un moment pour rêver sur ‘Tonalités de Femmes’.

Au départ on découvre une voix, puis un texte, enveloppés de musique live : le chemin d’une femme et ses musiciens. Cette année, Christine a décidé de suivre sa passion. Nous sommes aux Pays-Bas, à Amsterdam, mais dans la musique, on ne parle plus de frontières. Les mots et les mélodie touchent, font rêver, nous emmènent loin et nous bercent doucement. Voici Van Wyck sur ‘Tonalités de Femmes’, une artiste tout en émotion qui arrive au temps du partage.

In search of song by Van Wyck

‘I’ve been writing songs since I was fifteen. First behind the piano in my parents house, then with a guitar and an old Atari computer. I joined bands, quit bands, joined new bands, performed in different continents and on stages as different as the Paris metro, a New York hiphop club, a Canadian folk gathering, open air rock festivals, jazz festivals, television and radio-shows and small cafes. (I didn’t like to be tied down.) Through all different genres and stages I kept writing, slowly coming closer to the songs that I truly needed to write, circling them as it were, trying to find the words I felt I really had to say. I realized that if I wanted to get there I needed to reach further and focus on songwriting, on the bare essence of it. To finish the multitude of ideas that keep swimming in my thoughts, to reach into their core, make them definite, give them a form, and find them a home. Cutting through all available options, and aiming for what is true and fundamental. To tie myself down, so to speak. And that is what I plan to do this coming year.’

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