On the Move

I have been living life with boxes and half filled suitcases and back packs since April this year. Why? Because I am moving AGAIN.

This will only be the second time in 3 months, so not that bad, BUT it will not be the last time I move this year. In August I am moving to Honduras for one year, possibly a little longer if good opportunities arise, which I very much hope for.

There I will be learning Spanish at first with a host family, to then find a job and move again. It is a very tiring process. Yesterday I despaired because of exhaustion.

Now things look a lot more bright in the rare Amsterdam summer sun, and just today my amazing girlfriend told me that if it was easy it wouldn’t matter, life would be boring, and all the problems we have now with time, money, moving back and forth, being far from our families etc make us grow. Of course she is right and she gives me a lot of hope and courage for the future, together.

There are many reasons why moving to Honduras, and moving back and forth in Amsterdam make sense. Here in Amsterdam I just moved in with a friend whose wife just left to live in Ecuador for a year, he will follow her in July. So for the time being we give each other company and help each other getting ready for the next big step.

Moving to Honduras is a career move, as my girlfriend and I studied international development studies and want to get field experience through working with organisations in the development sector. We feel we need this on the ground experience to be able to do our work well, grow and become more competent professionals in our field. So it all makes sense, but doesn’t mean it’s always easy.

On the positive side, check out this picture from Honduras:

2 commentaires pour “On the Move”

  1. Sandra le 2/07/2010 à 13:15 Sandra

    Wow! It sounds like an important time in your life! I’m sure whoever is waiting for you in Honduras is..um… extremely excited that you’re coming… 🙂

  2. Guillaud le 11/08/2010 à 14:58 Guillaud

    c’est un vrai hymne a la femme et son quotidien!!merci de nous offrir ce cadeau d’ optimisme!!! Et Sandra est tellement belle, sincère et simple!! Que cela donne envie d’optimiser tous les instants de vie… C’est un site qui doit se faire encore plus connaitre… Thanks!! Merci Sonia et see you soon!! Who knows!

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