Crazy Coincidences in life!

A couple of weeks ago a student from a US university came to Ecuador to do some research for us regarding the wage and quality of life of our artisans, so we know what areas we need to improve. Valerie was supposed to come in January, but got ill, so she came in February instead. We talked on skype a couple of times before she came over to organise her trip, but only when she was here and we talked about what we did before in our lives did we realise that we have a GREAT friend in common.

The world suddenly felt sooooo small. Emma is mine and Luz’s friend from university in Amsterdam. We did an intense master programme together and we are all very close. She works in Burundi right now and recently got together with another common friend of hers and Valerie’s (the three of them met in high school in the states).

Getting to know Valerie I also realised that it just made sense, she is the type of person who would have fit into our group of friends in Amsterdam as well. I am not sure what that means in terms of how we are all connected or whatever, but it was a great thing to happen and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Besitooos de Quito a todos!


Un commentaire pour “Crazy Coincidences in life!”

  1. Flore le 29/06/2011 à 20:50 Flore

    Very nice article! Thanks for sharing it with us!

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