Trends – Africa Crazy At Marni H&M

Everyone is going Africa Crazy!!

Some more from the Marni H&M where we can see the Africa Influence.
Great prints and fantastic new experimental styles.

I love it for the cool look and feel.
Now all styles are totally sold out worldwide I love it even more!!
The power of exclusivity!

The bag, modern, seductive and a must have.
I have one!!

The shoot, it just teases you in. I have the shirt!

The look the style!
I also have this one!! but I didn’t see the bandanna! is that …. “stylist own.!..”

The dress, you had to be there to see the fight! ooohhh la la!

The top and skirt, same story!

The men’s Africa print shirt.

The short sleeve version. beautiful soft cotton.

The Parka of extreme style!

You snooze you lose!
Just pick it up and buy!

For some behind the scenes exploration you must check out the blog pages of Marni.

Sidney Rhule

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