Laila (Video)

‘Tonalités de Femmes’ is highlighting Laila, an outstanding woman who is no more afraid of anything.

  • VO: French
  • NAME: Laila
  • CITY: Paris
  • Who is Laila ?
  • Laila is half Tunisian and half French, a mother of two children, living with her family on the outskirts of Paris. Laila is a ‘Theatre set’ designer with many years of experience. Today, her life is taking a different twist. She has chosen to make her children and her husband her top priority; since 2009 they are also the driving force on the road to recovery for this woman of life.
  • Why is she an inspiration?
  • “The news has turned my life upside down” remembers Laila, when she was first introduced to the cancer that was invading and taking control of her. Her sparkling energy, the brightness in her eyes, her dynamism and her passion are a visible strength when she is talking about her people: a balance and harmony that inspires our feminine world of TdF.
  • Which subjects are you going to tackle?
  • We are talking about her sickness and all the love given to her, by the people she loves, which are a constant support each day. We are going to share an honest and moving moment to highlight a woman who believes in remaining positive.

6 responses to “Laila (Video)”

  1. Solim on 16/10/2015 at 09:35 Solim

    Un joli message d’espoir, clairement exprimé et touchant!
    J’espère que d’autres personnes ayant des santés difficiles ressentiront cet élan de vie que Laila porte en elle; et que cet exemple les aidera !

  2. Roland on 16/10/2015 at 11:29 Roland

    Merci pour ce beau témoignage vibrant qui fait voir les choses différemment… beaucoup de courage et encore merci ! Votre énergie positive est la bienvenue.

  3. Katell on 18/10/2015 at 01:56 Katell

    Whouah ! Tu es si belle et si émouvante ! Je suis très impressionnée, quelle force ! Quelle leçon de vie ! Bravo ma copine !!

  4. Michèle on 23/10/2015 at 17:28 Michèle

    Merci pour ce reportage qui m’a beaucoup émue, à ma fille dont je ne connaissais pas ce talent ainsi qu’à la personne qui a réalisé ce document : plein de simplicité et de spontanéité.

  5. solim on 9/07/2018 at 20:36 solim

    Notre magnifique LAÏLA
    nous a tristement quittés le 26 juin 2018 .
    Combative jusqu’à son dernier sourire …
    Reposes en paix .

  6. Sonia Johnson on 29/07/2018 at 17:22 Sonia Johnson

    Cette nouvelle est bouleversante Solim. L’aventure ‘Tonalités de Femmes’ est dédiée à Laïla. Son courage, sa force et son sourire resteront gravés dans nos coeurs. Nos sincères condoléances à vous tous. Sonia.

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