
We discover the various French and European cities in which Catherine has gained experience, first as a young and inexperienced school teacher and then as a professional, very conscious of her role with the children.

  • TRANSLATION: English
  • NAME: Catherine
  • Who is Catherine?
  • Catherine is a young, attractive 32 year old French woman. She works as a school teacher and is in a loving relationship with her partner, with whom she lives. She changed her destiny by deciding to travel and study abroad. Always full of positive energy, Catherine is a woman of values, who gathers many exciting experiences about her.
  • Why is she an inspiration ?
  • Catherine has been able to speak to various audiences of children, due to the geographic flexibility in her career. She is able to approach this with great maturity and with an increased sense of responsibility. Along with this development, the path she is following in her personal life is also rather ‘poetic’.
  • Which subjects are you going to tackle?
  • We will discover the various French and European cities in which Catherine has gained experience, first as a young and inexperienced school teacher and then as a professional, very conscious of her role with the children. Catherine will also share the first special moments of her life as part of a couple.

One response to “Catherine”

  1. Jeanne on 17/02/2010 at 20:14 Jeanne

    Catherine, je suis contente de t’entendre. Comme moi je l’étais pour mes élèves de Lycée Professionnel,, tu es passionnée par ces enfants qui évoluent dans des milieux défavorisés. Ils ont de la chance de t’avoir comme maîtresse. Et puis, tu sais t’adapter à tous les publics, c’est ce qui fait ta force. Tu es faite pour une Direction d’Ecole. Fonce en sachant que ce ne sera pas gratifiant mais tu te seras réalisée et cela est inestimable. Merci !

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