
We will discover Katia’s new life and in particular the make-up of her new family. Together, we will talk about part of the emotional journey embarked upon by this sensitive woman.

  • TRANSLATION: English
  • NAME: Katia
  • Who is Katia?
  • Katia is a multi talented woman, who gained professional acclaim, within the television company, AB Television, Paris, where she runs the translation department. Her Venezuelan origins give her an indescribable charm and have allowed her to speak Spanish fluently since her childhood. Her fiery personality is emphasized by the strong feminine power she possesses.
  • Why is she an inspiration?
  • Katia has succeeded where many of us could not have; she has managed to leave the father of her children harmoniously. She woke up one day and realised that what once existed, was no longer there. That this family, evolving day after day with a mum, dad and 2 adorable little girls was going to an end, for her own good, that of her partner, her children and everyone’s general happiness.
  • To think of it, go through with it, explain it and take responsibility for her choice, and finally to be able to look around her 2 years later and feel pride at having avoided the worse – this woman is courageous.
  • Which subjects are you going to tackle?
  • We will discover Katia’s new life and in particular the make-up of her new family. Together, we will talk about part of the emotional journey embarked upon by this sensitive-woman.

2 responses to “Katia”

  1. Séverine on 6/02/2010 at 23:45 Séverine

    Je connais personnellement Katia et je tiens à dire que c’est une femme merveilleuse. Merci pour ce partage Katia !

  2. Elisabeth on 15/02/2010 at 17:51 Elisabeth

    Le respect de l’autre, la prise en compte de toutes les données d’une situation pour en tirer le meilleur, l’amour des enfants voilà tout ce que nous suggère le partage de Katia. Merci de cet apport si bien exprimé.

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