
We will discuss adoption, the beauty of this commitment, the particular history between Roberta and her mother, but also administrative difficulties imposed on couples wishing to embark on this adventure.

  • TRANSLATION: English
  • NAME: Chiara
  • Who is Chiara?
  • Chiara is a beautiful Italian woman of 36 years, mother of two children. She grew up, studied and worked in Piacenza, a pretty village not far from Milan. After South America and Europe, Chiara is preparing to begin a new life in Asia.
  • Why is she an inspiration?
  • At 30, Chiara decided to change her life. She left her family, friends and work to serve others and become a volunteer in an orphanage at a Catholic mission in Bolivia. During this trip she met a very sick baby, disfigured by an angioma and malnutrition. Following solely her heart, Chiara saved this little girl and allowed her to develop priceless inner strength.
  • Which subjects are you going to tackle?
  • We will discuss adoption, the beauty of this commitment, the particular history between Roberta and her mother, but also administrative difficulties imposed on couples wishing to embark on this adventure.

Who is Chiara?

Chiara is a beautiful Italian woman of 36 years, mother of two children. She grew up, studied and worked in Piacenza, a pretty village not far from Milan. After South America and Europe, Chiara is preparing to begin a new life in Asia.

Why is she an inspiration?

At 30, Chiara decided to change her life. She left her family, friends and work to serve others and become a volunteer in an orphanage at a Catholic mission in Bolivia. During this trip, she met a very sick baby, disfigured by an angioma and malnutrition. Following solely her heart, Chiara saved this little girl and allowed her to develop priceless inner strength.

Which subjects are you going to tackle?

We will discuss the adoption, the beauty of this commitment, the particular history between Roberta and her mother, but also administrative difficulties imposed on couples wishing to embark on this adventure.

4 responses to “Chiara”

  1. Camille on 27/09/2010 at 17:15 Camille

    Bravo Chiara pour ce parcours de combattante pour le bien de Roberta. C’est dommage que la complexité administrative assombrit cet élan de générosité qui s’exprime dans votre famille quotidiennement.
    Merci de ce partage.

  2. Briana on 17/10/2010 at 11:58 Briana

    Great insightful read. Never thought that it was this straightforward after all. I had used a good deal of my time looking online for some great mind to explain this subject clearly to me and you are the only one that ever did that. Kudos to you! Stay awesome.

  3. Francine on 7/11/2010 at 09:51 Francine

    Je m’adresse à TDF. Comment écouter les messages anglais en langue française ?Merci.

  4. TdF on 8/11/2010 at 13:33 TdF

    Bonjour Francine,
    Merci de votre intérêt. Toutes nos vidéos sont sous titrées en Anglais ou en Français suivant la langue de notre invitée.
    Si vous êtes française et que vous visionnez les vidéos sur le site en français, cliquez sur ‘lire la suite’ et visionnez la vidéo avec les sous titres français (activer et désactiver les sous titres en cliquant sous le cadre de l’image CC).
    If you are on the english web site (click on the english flag) and would like to watch the video with english subtitles, please click on ‘read more’ and then turn on captions (CC).
    A Bientôt!

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