Bertha French

Bertha is american and her life journey up until the present is very inspiring. Both her parents always worked intensively for the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, and Bertha naturally pursues a career in public health development and the impact of social change. She is also a woman of the world, having lived in the United States, Africa and today in Europe.

  • NAME: Bertha
  • Who is Bertha?
  • Bertha is an American woman from a large and united family, made up of a loving couple and eight children. After spending the first seven years of her life in the United States, Bertha went on to live in Western Africa, until her university studies. Currently in the middle of a career in development, she lives in Europe at the moment, surrounded by her husband and three children.
  • Why is she an inspiration?
  • Bertha is following a very rich course in life and her family heritage, while having her both feet steadily on the ground of two completely different continents, offered her a unique experience. Her personality and her strong values, which make her turn towards the poorest of the world, are extremely inspiring. It is a pleasure to welcome Bertha into our community of ‘naturally exceptional’ women.
  • Which subjects are you going to tackle?
  • We will talk about Bertha’s childhood, about her professional career and her ideas about Africa, sociological changes and public health. This precious exchange with Bertha happened under her mother’s gaze, who is not forgotten.

One response to “Bertha French”

  1. Richard on 1/05/2011 at 20:27 Richard

    Très belle interview d’une femme exceptionnelle, quel beau parcours, les Etats-Unis, la Côte d’Ivoire, Amsterdam… Le travail/la mission de Bertha sont nobles et j’ai bien envie d’en savoir plus sur son oeuvre, je vais aller surfer sur le web. Merci TdF.

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