Sonia’s Project

I have a wish… I have a project, but it seems so ambitious, it will cause such an amount of work, and I also have this feeling that it will create such a beautiful energy that my head spins like that of a teenager when I think about it.

I would like to create support media in which naturally exceptional women can be brought to light and find expression. To begin with I want to create the foundation for a book, which I would like to find in Paris, London, Brussels or Amsterdam. I am 36, French with an English partner, who I live with in the Netherlands, we are so open towards the world and especially Europe.

I have 3 children and books on motherhood, education, or Zen attitude bore me, their opinions as well as the of female political stars, actresses and rock icons make me smile, the stories of Marie Claire always leave a feeling of insufficiency and surfing online frustrates me. I’m from the generation of ‘total privacy’, my son is of the generation ‘totally going public’, I do not like exposing myself on FaceBook, and yet I want to live in the world of our children. When I started my work as a radio journalist 16 years ago, our Nagra recording machines were heavy, editing was  almost handicraft with our emissions band and our blue tights, nowadays you can do so much more and faster too, adaptation is essential our business of communication.

I know you understand me because we have moved forward together, I would like to read and hear stories of women like you and me, I would like to discover them through the friendly eyes of another woman, I would like to grow through this sharing process, and I would be so keen on such work. Then I would want more and more of it, I would be a fan of ‘Tonalités de Femmes’, I would be so excited that I would contact the author, and tell them ‘if you continue, I could introduce you to an extraordinary friend of mine and take me too?’

I always preferred these encounters and moments between women, I have given them time, energy, and sincerity. I wanted to convey the ideas and questions we pose ourselves and we consume over the years to our audience.


2 responses to “Sonia’s Project”

  1. Franck on 15/02/2010 at 14:20 Franck

    Beaucoup de boulot encore en perspective mais le seul “refuge” pour une femme qui souhaite “poser les armes”, se mettre à nue, parler “vraie”, faire le point dans un environnement media qui ne lui permet pas toujours de pouvoir le faire. TDF c’est aussi une TDG (Thérapie De Groupe). A décliner dans quelques années en Tonalités d’Hommes par exemple. Félicitations à tous et bonne continuation ! C’est un outil “inspirant” pour de nombreuses femmes qui sont à la recherche de réponses, de confiance, de fil conducteur, de confirmation dans leurs vies. Agent F

  2. Régine on 28/07/2011 at 08:52 Régine

    Ayé je viens de comprendre !!il faut écrire sur la ligne en face du message alléluiah!! Donc j’écrivais: il semblerait que l’on sorte de ‘toujours les mêmes têtes de femmes’ qui à force se prennent pour des diva, si cela continue, Bravo belle initiative!!!!

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