Video, Mary

We will share in some important topics in the life of this young and independent woman. From her ideas on the economic situation of Greece to her most intimate passions, this interview highlights a sparkling ‘Woman of Life’.

  • VO : English
  • NAME : Mary
  • CITY : Amsterdam
  • Who is Mary?
  • Mary is a young European woman originally from Greece. After studying in England, she moved to the Netherlands for a new professional opportunity and enjoys the many benefits of Amsterdam. She has always been very close to her parents and her younger sister and in this way, her free time is often reserved for relaxing trips to her homeland!
  • Why is she an inspiration?
  • Mary is a 32 yrs old woman who is really from the 21st century. She is confident and extremely proud of her accomplishments, she doesn’t hesitate to make challenging choices and to elaborate ‘the puzzle of her life’. Mary is full of humor and has a warm engaging personality, she adds ‘bubbles’ of life wherever she is.
  • Which subjects are you going to tackle?
  • We will share in some important topics in the life of this young and independent woman. It starts from her ideas on the economic situation of Greece to her most intimate passions. This interview highlights a sparkling ‘Woman of Life’.

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